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So I recently found some nice white shoes for an affordable amount of money and decided to try something with them. This is the initial sketch: And this is pretty much the result, didn’t come out as good as I would have liked, material was a bitch again:


Koi on my wall IV

So, we repaired some mistakes here and there, filled in the water first with the original color and then added the shades and shines.Also redid the eye completely and worked on the face of the fish a bit more.Almost done by now. Need to work some more on the water and some other minor details but it is pretty much finished.See you around…


Koi on my wall. Part II

So day 2 goes by and I’m very busy with work (I work at home) so not much got done, just some shading on the scales, fins and the outside of the whole thing, but it’s starting to take shape. Time elapsed: 2 to 3 hours Here is day 2 in images:
March 31, 2010

Koi on my wall. Part 1

So the journey began a couple of days ago, and to be honest drawing on such a size is harder than I remember from the times I did graffiti. Of course the material is not the same and a Fatcap can do the filling 3 times faster. Also the fact that the wall has texture doesn’t help, especially for the outlines. Day One I did the outline and some basic coloring. As you can see I’ve changed my original design for a more peaceful carp and I added some cherry blossoms. Time elapsed including brakes: 5 hours But well, here is day one… I must apologize for the quality of the photos, but they were taken with my cell-phone and…
March 30, 2010

Objective: Paint this beautiful Koi Fish on my living-room’s wall No Idea how it will come out or how a 4-5 meter giant Japanese style Carp look on my wall, but I intent to do it this weekend. I’ll keep you posted
March 24, 2010